Comm Eye Health Vol. 34 No. 113 2021. Published online 01 March, 2022

Primary eye health care

A child, a mother and a grandmother sit around a bowl preparing green leafy vegetables. All are smiling. The grandmother is wearing two greeen eye patches (post surgery), one patch has been removed from her right eye but the tape is still attached to her cheek.
Primary eye health care workers can detect, counsel, and refer patients with cataract to the nearest eye unit. MOZAMBIQUE © Ulrich Eigner CC BY-NC 4.0

The majority of eye conditions can be dealt with at primary health care level – in the communities where people live and work. However, eye care is often missing or not integrated at this level of health care. This issue of the Community Eye Health Journal shares best practices and approaches for integrating eye care within primary health care and includes practical suggestions for eye health promotion and how eye health workers at district or secondary level (and above) can support their colleagues in the primary care sector. We would like to encourage everyone reading this issue to share its contents with policy makers at all levels so they are aware of the need for primary eye care and what they can do to support it.

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