Glossary of terms used in teaching
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Aims: A general statement of what is intended in a particular lesson or course of study
Assessment: A means of comparing students’ actual achievement with a desired standard of achievement as outlined in the syllabus
Brainstorming: A collection of ideas shared in a group encouraging free expression
Buzz group: Discussion in groups of 2-4 people
Case study****: Text description to facilitate imagination and discussion of a possible situation
Course design: The systematic planning of a period of study for a particular group of students
Curriculum planning: A plan worked out in advance fixing the order or the timetable of a group of educational activities for a particular course – aims, content, methods, evaluation
Demonstration: Teacher activity – e.g., to teach a practical skill or why certain outcomes occur
Directed private study: Time set aside by the teacher for students to study a particular subject
Evaluation: The process of reviewing particular areas of study to estimate their effectiveness according to student needs and any changing factors
Exposition: An interrupted lecture where the teacher will stop to answer a question or explain further
Feedback: Information received by the teacher about the success of, or problems experienced with, a session or course as it is progressing
Learning objectives/outcomes: Specific statements of behaviour by a student after a period of learning – proving they have learned
Learning strategies/ teaching methods: Activities chosen by the teacher to help students learn Lecture Subject introduced and delivered by the teacher in a specific time which transmits information
Lesson plan: A ‘sketch map’ of a particular session for a particular group of students, based on objectives and teaching methods with intended timing of activities
Practical: Student activity – e.g., learning a skill or group work
Programmed learning: A planned exercise to enable individual learning, e.g., in a manual or a computer programme
Project: A task based on investigation with a specific time-table. The teacher will advise the student on resources and materials. The student reports back with findings, usually in written format
Resources: (a) Any source of information from which students are able to learn, e.g., library, teaching materials, human resources (other students, teachers, etc.). All these are referred to as ‘learning resources’ (b) Funding, staffing, equipment – anything required to run a course
Role play ****: Similar to case study ( see above). A situation is acted out to create insight into students own behaviour
Scheme of work: A session by session plan addressing a specific topic for a particular group of students which includes objectives, methods, content, resources, and assessment procedures. Based on a syllabus
Seminar: A group of about 8 -12 people following up something that has already been introduced on the course. Involves reading of an essay or paper by one group member followed by discussion
Simulation****: Similar to a case study and role play (see above)
Syllabus: A statement of aims and content for subject areas
Syndicate work: A task given by the teacher to a group of students to complete in a period of time. The students are required to report back to the teacher
Tutorial: One-to-one teaching (student and teacher) usually for counselling purposes based on the student’s work
Weighting: The emphasis, in terms of time and the allocation of marks in assessment, placed on an area of study in comparison with other areas of study