Glossary: research and training
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Case-control study: a study in which people who already have a certain condition are compared with people who do not
Cross-sectional study: a study in which a population or sample is assessed at one point in time
Curriculum (pl. curricula): the subjects taught in a course of study (e.g. an MSc in community eye health)
Dissertation: a long, written essay or report describing research that is submitted as a requirement for an advanced academic degree; also called a thesis
Endemic: describes a disease that is constantly present, to a greater or lesser degree, in a population living in a particular area
Ethical approval: independent review of the scientific merit and implications of a study regarding the dignity, rights, safety, and wellbeing of research participants
Field work: research done in the real world (i.e. not in a laboratory)
Focus group discussion (FGD): a qualitative method to obtain in-depth information on concepts and perceptions about a certain topic through spontaneous group discussion of approximately 6-12 persons, guided by a facilitator
Incidence: the number of deaths or new cases of a condition, symptom, or injury that arises during a specific period of time, such as a year
In-depth interview: a face-to-face conversation to explore issues; conducted without using a structured questionnaire
Literature review: a summary and explanation of key studies relevant to a proposed project
Logbook: a notebook used to record the dates when decisions were made or actions were taken
Methodology: the precise design of a study, including the methods used
Multi-stage cluster sampling: constructing a sample from a population by first creating and selecting clusters (stage one), and then choosing elements from within the selected clusters (stage two)
Narrative data: verbal answers that take the form of a story or explanation, or which describe a series of events
Pilot study: a smaller version or trial run of a larger study that is conducted in preparation for that study; can involve pre-testing or ‘trying out’ a research tool such as a data-collecting form
Population: the group being studied, e.g. children of school age in Zimbabwe
Population-based survey: a survey where the sample is representative of the population being studied
Prevalence: a measure of the frequency of a disease or condition at a particular point in time, usually expressed as the number of cases per 100 people examined
Prospective study: a study in which events or cases are observed or studied as they occur, or in which human subjects are identified and followed forward in time
References: a short note detailing the source of information or a quoted passage
Reflexivity: an awareness of the researcher’s contribution to the construction of meanings throughout the research process, and an acknowledgment of the impossibility of remaining ‘outside of’ one’s subject matter while conducting research
Research protocol: a document describing in detail how a research study is to be conducted in practice, including the methodology, a plan for analysing the results, and a budget
Research question: the main question a research project aims to answer
Retrospective data/study: a study that looks at events that took place in the past; can involve extracting information from medical records or interviewing patients about past events or behaviour
Sample: a group of people or elements selected from the population being studied
Supervisor: the person who is responsible for guiding the individual(s) doing a research project
Variable: a broad term encompassing what is measured in a research project; demographic variables, for example, describe participants’ age, sex, and socioeconomic status; outcome variables might include visual acuity after cataract surgery or the number of people accessing services after a health education intervention.