Comm Eye Health Vol. 29 No. 96 2016. Published online 03 March, 2017


Blurry picture of people at the clinic - seen by someone with double vision
Double vision is a distressing symptom that warrants investigation. TANZANIA © DANIEL ETYA’ALE (ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH)

In this issue of the Community Eye Health Journal we briefly discuss the anatomy of vision, before explaining conditions presenting with double vision and/or sudden loss of vision which may be life and/or sight-threatening. There are articles on how to assess a patient with neuro-ophthalmological symptoms; the differential diagnosis of optic atrophy as well as how to counsel a patient with visual loss.

Large textbooks are written on neuro-ophthalmology and therefore it is not possible to discuss in detail the diagnosis and management of many neuro-ophthalmological diseases, but we trust this introduction will provide an insight to the important conditions and encourage you in further reading.

Articles in this issue –

Continuing professional development –

News and notices –

Further information about this issue –

Consulting editors for Issue 96: Allen Foster and Nick Astbury