News and notices. Comm Eye Health Vol. 13 No. 33 2000. March 01, 2000
A Manual of Refraction for Eye Health Workers 2000/2001
This excellent Manual of Refraction has 45 pages and includes the following sections:
- basic optics
- visual acuity
- pinhole
- refractive errors
- accommodation
- presbyopia
- neutralisation
- focimetry
- transposition
- spherical
- best sphere equivalent
- crossed cylinder
- retinoscopy
- cycloplegia
- refraction
- optical lense
- basic spectacle dispensing.
Price : £5/US$9 + post and packing
Post and Packing: Please add £5/$9 (surface) or £9/$16 (air)
Payment is by bankers’ order or cheque (drawn on US$ or UK£ bank only) made out to University College London.
Please send your order with payment to:
International Resource Centre, ICEH
Institute of Ophthalmology, 11-43 Bath St., London EC1V 9EL, UK
News and notices in Comm Eye Health Vol. 13 No. 33 2000 –
- Abstract
- New Directory of Teaching and Information Resources for Blindness prevention and Rehabilitation
- The Royal College of Ophthalmologists
- Sir John Wilson
- Community eye health courses
- Johnson & Johnson and IRC/ICEH: A New Partnership to Strengthen Community Eye Health Education
- Indian Supplement to the Journal
- IAPB News
- Foundation Dark & Light (Founded 1982)
- A Manual of Refraction for Eye Health Workers 2000/2001
- Community eye health workshops overseas