Community eye health courses
Professor Gordon Johnson. In March, 2002 Professor Johnson will retire after 15 years service at the International Centre for Eye Health, London. We shall all greatly miss his good and wise leadership.
Community Eye Health Courses. There are no plans to continue Courses in Community Eye Health (CEH) at the Institute of Ophthalmology beyond August 2002. There are, however, plans for a proposed, new Community Eye Health Course in London, beginning in September 2002.
Dr Allen Foster. Dr Foster, who is based at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, is currently conducting short, one week Courses in Community Eye Health for the Vision 2020 programme. These short Courses are now taking place in 12 Centres around the world.
Dr Foster should be contacted for information relating to both the new, planned CEH Course in London and the Courses in Centres abroad.
Dr Allen Foster, CRU/ITD, LSHTM, Keppel St., London WC1E7HT, UK. E mail: [email protected]