Community ophthalmology practice at primary care level
Dr G V S Murthy, Dr Sanjeev K Gupta, Dr K B Singh
Dr Murthy, Dr Gupta and Dr Singh, with professional advice from Professor V K Dada and a team of able advisors, have produced a significant and important new manual. Community Ophthalmology and Community Eye Health should be more widely recognised and understood – for the eye care of all communities but especially those underserved peoples in rural areas
This training manual emphasises the vital role of medical officers appointed to primary and community health centres in India. It describes the relevance of Community Ophthalmology in view of the present magnitude of blindness (in India and orldwide) and outlines the practical application of training within the National Programme for Control of Blindness and the District Blindness Control Societies in India.
Further sections deal with eye camps at the primary health centre, information/education/communication for eye care delivery, training of health personnel and managing resources. Self-help review questions are provided at the end of each chapter.
Colour plates of a variety of eye conditions are drawn from the teaching slide sets of the International Centre for Eye Health. The Indian experience has often been appropriately implemented in other countries. This manual of just over 100 pages should significantly contribute to the prevention of blindness in India and beyond.
Ordering information
Available from the International Resource Centre at a price of UK£5/US$9 + £2.50/$5 (surface) or £5/$9 (airmail) postage.
Please make international cheques payable to UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON and send with your order to:
International Resource Centre, ICEH, 11-43 Bath St., London EC1V 9EL.
News and notices in Comm Eye Health Vol. 12 No. 31 1999 –
- Sixteenth congress of the International Society for Geographical & Epidemiological Ophthalmology (ISGEO)
- The International Council of Ophthalmology assessments for ophthalmologists
- Community ophthalmology practice at primary care level
- The Royal College of Ophthalmologists
- Community eye health courses 2000/2001
- Abstracts