Eye diseases in hot climates: new fourth edition
John Sandford-Smith
Eye Diseases in Hot Climates is a comprehensive clinical textbook which covers the whole range of eye diseases but concentrates on the major preventable and treatable causes of world blindness.
The fourth edition of the book contains new chapters on practical refraction, HIV/AIDS and the eye, and children’s eye diseases. The other chapters have been revised and updated. The text is direct and clear and there are numerous colour illustrations as in previous editions.
This book is written specifically for the doctor, nurse or medical assistant who is seeing and treating eye patients in a tropical or developing country.
Ordering Information
Price: UK£12.00/US$20 plus £5/$9 (airmail) or £3/$5 (surface) post and packing.
Payment by credit card or banker’s order, drawn on UK or US bank account only please.
Please make payment to: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and send to IRC/ICEH, LSHTM, Keppel St., London WC1E 7HT, UK. Tel. 00 44 20 7612 7973. Email: [email protected]
News and notices in Comm Eye Health Vol. 17 No. 49 2004 –
- Abstracts
- Exchange
- News from VISION 2020: The Right to Sight
- Royal College of Ophthalmologists: Examination Calendar 2004 (UK & Overseas)
- The community is my university – a voice from the grass roots on rural health and development
- Indian edition relaunched
- Tropical Doctor
- Eye diseases in hot climates: new fourth edition
- Attention all past ICEH students
- French edition: A l’attention des lecteurs de langue française
- Tanzanian distribution of the Journal
- International Society for Geographical & Epidemiological Ophthalmology (ISGEO) Congress, Dubai, September 25-26, 2004
- News for ophthalmic nurse readers
- SICS correspondence
- Portuguese-language educational resources