Leprosy and the eye slides/text teaching series
First Edition 1999
A NEW slides/text teaching set from the International Centre for Eye Health – includes 24 colour slides (46 photographs/illustrations) and a handbook/text of 40 pages.
In 1997 the World Health Organization estimated that there were 1,500,000 leprosy patients with active disease. Around 2 million persons have been ‘released from treatment’ but remain with severe disabilities, including blindness. Up to 100,000 persons could be blind as a consequence of leprosy. However, if associated age-related cataract is also considered the total of blind persons with leprosy will be at least twice that number.
This slides/handbook set provides a practical tool for teaching health workers how to recognise and refer leprosy patients with eye disease. It also sets out the measures necessary for the treatment of eye disease in leprosy.
Ordering Information
Developing Country Rate: UK£15/US$27 +£3/$5 (surface) or £5/$9 (airmail) postage.
Elsewhere: UK£20/US$36 + £3/$5 (surface) or £5/$9 (airmail) postage.
Payment by banker’s orders and cheques drawn on UK£ or US$ bank accounts can be accepted. Please make cheques payable to UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON and send with your order to: International Resource Centre, ICEH, 11-43 Bath St., London EC1V 9EL.
Fax +44 20 7 250 3207;
E-mail: [email protected]
Update June 25 2013: This publication is available online.