News and notices. Comm Eye Health Vol. 11 No. 26 1998. June 01, 1998

Poem: Hazy Sight

This poem was written by Sarah Manyiraho whose father has experienced many years of pain and distress because of a retained metallic foreign body in a severely damaged eye, injured in 1981.


Hazy Sight

I see everything in blur with strain,
I gaze at the future with pain,
I only gaze and stare but in vain.

Foreseen is forewarned,
Alas! I can’t have a glimpse of the future,
I visualise the years to come with fear.

I can’t detect the mirage ahead.
I can meditate and imagine I am in hell,
Will I ever overcome the darkness?

I admire with anxiety the opticians,
I merely counsel myself with optimism,
Poor me, is the worst yet to come?

If only those hazy rays could clear,
If only those trails could cease,
Then I would half as much celebrate.

News and notices in Comm Eye Health Vol. 11 No. 26 1998 –