Repair & Reconstruction: A Journal for Injury, Deformity and Disease
The first two issues of this new Journal have had the theme: Burn Injury.
Articles in the second issue include:
Hand burns, head & neck burns, perineal burns, chemical burns, chemical eye injuries, electrical burn, treatment of burn contractures and surgery (Y to V plasty; Z-plasty).
The Journal is presently distributed FREE of charge. This is a publication of the International Community Trust for Health and Educational Services (ICTHES).
Contact address: DD Murray McGavin MD FRCS (Ed) Managing Editor ICTHES PO Box 408, Bankhead Avenue Edinburgh EH11 4HE Scotland, UK
New Journals!
Two further journals are planned.
Journal of Community Ear & Hearing Health
Developing Mental Health.
If you or a colleague are interested in these journals please write to: Dr Murray McGavin – at the address in Edinburgh.