News and notices. Comm Eye Health Vol. 14 No. 37 2001. March 01, 2001

The Healthy Eyes Activity Book

This is an activity book for primary school children to teach them how to look after their eyes. It contains a mixture of class activity, home activity and class discussion outlines to encourage the child ren to learn by doing, not by telling. It includes many stories and drawings written by children. The notes to teachers explain that children are encouraged to be active as they use the book: the book does not tell them all the answers. Children are encouraged to tell their own stories, draw pictures in the empty spaces or colour other drawings in the book.

Children in Ghana, Kenya and Zambia contributed insights and material for the book, which was pre-tested by children in Zambia prior to production. The book itself was devised and developed by Victoria Francis and Boateng Wiafe, with the support of Sight Savers International and the International Centre for Eye Health.

This reprinting is generously funded by Task Force Sight and Life.

Available from:

The International Resource Centre
International Centre for Eye Health
Institute of Ophthalmology
11-43 Bath Street
London, EC1V 9EL
Fax : + 44 (0)20 7250 3207
E-mail: [email protected]

Also available from:

PO Box 2116
4002 Basel
Fax: + 41 61 688 19 10
E-mail: [email protected]

Some free copies are available for developing countries.

The price of copies ordered from the International Resource Centre is UK£3.00 /US$5.00 including post and packing. Please make your cheque payable to UniversityCollegeLondon. Only cheques or banker’s orders drawn on UK£ or US$ accounts can be accepted.

News and notices in Comm Eye Health Vol. 14 No. 37 2001 –