Comm Eye Health Vol. 13 No. 33 2000. Published online 01 March, 2000
Refractive errors
We could alleviate a quarter of the blindness and half the low vision just by providing an appropriate pair of glasses. To achieve this, we need regular screening of those groups of people at risk, health promotion activities and the provision of accessible and affordable spectacles.
Articles in this issue –
- Refractive errors: magnitude of the need
- Vision testing for refractive errors in schools ‘screening’ programmes in schools
- Spherical refraction for general eye workers
- Optics and refraction
- The challenge of providing spectacles in the developing world
- More research needed to assess the magnitude of refractive errors world-wide
- Teaching eye health: a new series
- An introduction. Training: essential for effective eye health promotion
News and notices –
- Abstract
- Sir John Wilson
- Community eye health courses
- Johnson & Johnson and IRC/ICEH: A New Partnership to Strengthen Community Eye Health Education
- Indian Supplement to the Journal
- IAPB News
- Foundation Dark & Light (Founded 1982)
- A Manual of Refraction for Eye Health Workers 2000/2001
- Community eye health workshops overseas
- New Directory of Teaching and Information Resources for Blindness prevention and Rehabilitation
- The Royal College of Ophthalmologists