Trachomatous trichiasis surgery training DVD
Step-by-step teaching videos of both bilamellar tarsal rotation (BLTR) and posterior lamellar tarsal rotation (PLTR) procedures. In addition, there is extensive supporting material, such as the assessment and counselling of patients, setting up an operating theatre, sterilising instruments and post-operative care. The DVD is also available to order in French.
Publisher: International Centre for Eye Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Date: 2012
View resource: Watch online (22 individual videos)
Available to order on DVD. Price: Free to low income countries. To order a copy please send your name, job title and postal address to Anita Shah. Email: [email protected]. Postal address: International Centre for Eye Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT, United Kingdom