Comm Eye Health Vol. 27 No. 88 2014. Published online 01 April, 2015
Working with communities to improve their eye health
The key message of this issue is that improving eye health in the community can only be done in partnership with the community itself. There is no ‘one size fits all’! A service or intervention that has been successful in one community may very easily fail in another.
Articles in this issue –
- Working with communities to improve their eye health
- Working with the community in Cameroon
- How to empower communities to take action on improving eye health
- Assessing your impact on behaviour change to improve eye health
- Techniques to encourage people to take better care of their eye health
- Adapted motivational interviewing to improve the uptake of treatment for glaucoma in Nigeria: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
- Diseases at the back of the eye
- Improving quality by improving safety
- Increasing sustainable cataract services in sub-Saharan Africa: an experimental initiative
- The uncorrected refractive error challenge
- Giving a health talk
- Ensuring proper and safe use of the cryotherapy machine
- Using a case study approach to document ‘preferred practices’ in MDA
Continuing professional development –
News and notices –
- Courses
- Commonwealth Eye Health Consortium
- ICO fellowships
- Save the date: IAPB 10th General Assembly
- Free online course – Global Blindness: Planning and Managing Eye Care Services
- Paediatric cataract DVD
Further information about this issue –
Consulting editors for Issue 88: Sally Crook and Islay Mactaggart