Comm Eye Health Vol. 30 No. 98 2017. Published online 07 August, 2017
School eye health
School eye health programmes have the potential to change the lives of school children and their teachers by detecting eye conditions and ensuring access to quality eye care. Health education delivered at schools also has the potential to reduce eye disease and visual impairment in the future. Comprehensive programmes should be undertaken in collaboration with ministries of health and ministries of education, and need to be monitored and evaluated to ensure they are a good use of resources and bring about positive change. Guidelines have recently been produced to help plan, implement, monitor and evaluate school eye health programmes.
Consulting editors for Issue 98: Elmien Wolvaardt & Nick Astbury
Articles in this issue –
- What is comprehensive school eye health?
- Ready to screen? Start with the goal in mind
- Developing better strategies for school eye health screening in India
- Improving spectacle wear in school children
- Use of ready-made spectacles in school eye health programmes
- Helpful developments and technologies for school eye health programmes
- Children’s myopia: prevention and the role of school programmes
- How schools can help to build healthy, productive lives, free of trachoma
- Understanding and looking after a retinoscope and trial lens set
- Key community eye health messages
- Lessons from the USAID Child Blindness Programme
From our South Asia Edition –
- Hospital-based community eye health programme: A model for elimination of avoidable blindness on a sustainable basis
- REACH: An innovative model for child eye health
- School eye health in Nepal: A holistic model
- School eye health services in Sri Lanka: An innovative way of approaching eye health in children
- Importance of colour vision testing in school based eye health examination
- Mission Roshni: Lighting up the world of India’s children
- Children’s eye health programmes: Successful strategies and challenges
- School eye health in South Asia
- Importance of integrating eye health into school health initiatives
- Common eye diseases in school going children
- Developing an integrated school eye health programme in Pakistan